Obama’s 3rd Term…?

Hugo Guzman
6 min readJan 31, 2021

It was during the 2008 Barack Hussein Obama presidential campaign that the spotlight was put on the radical writings of three people who hate America and were instrumental in shaping Obama’s political agenda: Saul Alinsky, Bill Ayers, and Jeremiah Wright.

This story continues to be relevant in 2021 and beyond mainly because Obama is back in power through Biden and Kamala, Bernie Sanders, Pelosi, Schumer, and many other radical leftists.

By learning about how the radical left politicians think and act, it may be possible to try to understand what is happening in our country, and why.

It is a well know fact that in 2021 the US is painfully split right down the middle due to the drastic differences between the people who supported Biden-Obama, and the people who believe in the Trump vision for the country. There are diametrically opposite views to the point that the will for dialog and compromise does not exist.

Weather we like it or not, we are facing 4 more years of the Obama vision for a socialist America, a continuation of the policies that he and Biden applied to the country during the 8 years (2008–2016) that they were in charge of the government.

Based on the premise that knowledge is power, the more we know about the mind set of the radical left politicians, the better prepared we will be to either join them or fight back, or at the very least engage in civilized dialog.


